{ "content-origin" "https://www.ctcms.nist.gov/potentials/entry/2021--Starikov-S-Smirnova-D--Zr-Nb/" "contributor-id" "4ad03136-ed7f-4316-b586-1e94ccceb311" "description" "This is an interatomic potential for the binary Zr-Nb system, taking into account a wide range of the components concentrations. The potential was developed by virtue of the force-matching method that is capable of ensuring a high accuracy at the description of the complex systems containing diverse crystal phases." "developer" [ "8006ef4b-1555-42c2-98d5-baa2111760db" "3028dbe5-3a4d-4545-ab4a-bc0ee9d78713" ] "doi" "10.25950/2ceadfd9" "domain" "openkim.org" "executables" [] "extended-id" "Sim_LAMMPS_ADP_StarikovSmirnova_2021_ZrNb__SM_993852507257_000" "funding" [ { "award-number" "STA 1732/1-1" "funder-identifier" "https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001659" "funder-identifier-type" "Crossref Funder ID" "funder-name" "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" "scheme-uri" "http://doi.org/" } ] "kim-api-version" "2.2" "maintainer-id" "4ad03136-ed7f-4316-b586-1e94ccceb311" "potential-type" "adp" "publication-year" "2022" "run-compatibility" "portable-models" "simulator-name" "LAMMPS" "simulator-potential" "adp" "source-citations" [ { "abstract" "We present a new classical interatomic potential for a study of the binary Zr-Nb system, taking into account a wide range of the components concentrations. The potential was developed by virtue of the force-matching method that is capable of ensuring a high accuracy at the description of the complex systems containing diverse crystal phases. At simulation of pure Zr, the potential correctly describes a relative stability of Zr phases ($\\alpha$-Zr, $\\beta$-Zr and $\\omega$-Zr) and qualitatively reproduces the right arrangement of these phases in the phase diagram. It is remarkable that $\\beta$-Zr phase is found to have a dynamically unstable structure at the low temperature, in agreement with the ab initio calculations. The potential can also play a role in considering the tasks related to the crystal defects in the Zr-Nb system. In support of this statement, we show the simulation results proving adequate representation of a number of key properties of the crystal defects in Zr-Nb system. In particular, the offered potential reproduces formation/solution energies of point defects with well accuracy. To illustrate wide application possibilities for the model, we made a prediction of atomic self-diffusion and impurity diffusion in Zr and Nb. Also, the potential ensures correct description of a screw dislocation in niobium, which is a crucial point for the investigation of plasticity." "author" "Starikov, S. and Smirnova, D." "doi" "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110581" "issn" "0927-0256" "journal" "Computational Materials Science" "keywords" "Zr-Nb alloy, Phase transition, Interatomic potential, Crystal defects" "pages" "110581" "recordkey" "SM_993852507257_000a" "recordprimary" "recordprimary" "recordtype" "article" "title" "Optimized interatomic potential for atomistic simulation of {Zr-Nb} alloy" "url" "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025621003086" "volume" "197" "year" "2021" } ] "species" [ "Zr" "Nb" ] "title" "LAMMPS ADP potential for the Zr-Nb system developed by Starikov and Smirnova (2021) v000" }