@Comment { \documentclass{article} \usepackage{url} \begin{document} This Model originally published in \cite{OpenKIM-MO:776437554506:000a} is archived in \cite{OpenKIM-MO:776437554506:000, OpenKIM-MD:120291908751:005, tadmor:elliott:2011, elliott:tadmor:2011}. \bibliographystyle{vancouver} \bibliography{kimcite-MO_776437554506_000.bib} \end{document} } @Misc{OpenKIM-MO:776437554506:000, author = {Stephen M. Foiles and J. J. Hoyt}, title = {{EAM} potential ({LAMMPS} cubic hermite tabulation) for {N}i developed by {F}oiles and {H}oyt (2006) v000}, doi = {10.25950/72b7e9dc}, howpublished = {OpenKIM, \url{https://doi.org/10.25950/72b7e9dc}}, keywords = {OpenKIM, Model, MO_776437554506_000}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, year = 2022, } @Misc{OpenKIM-MD:120291908751:005, author = {Stephen M. Foiles and Michael I. Baskes and Murray S. Daw and Steven J. Plimpton}, title = {{EAM} {M}odel {D}river for tabulated potentials with cubic {H}ermite spline interpolation as used in {LAMMPS} v005}, doi = {10.25950/68defa36}, howpublished = {OpenKIM, \url{https://doi.org/10.25950/68defa36}}, keywords = {OpenKIM, Model Driver, MD_120291908751_005}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, year = 2018, } @Article{tadmor:elliott:2011, author = {E. B. Tadmor and R. S. Elliott and J. P. Sethna and R. E. Miller and C. A. Becker}, title = {The potential of atomistic simulations and the {K}nowledgebase of {I}nteratomic {M}odels}, journal = {{JOM}}, year = {2011}, volume = {63}, number = {7}, pages = {17}, doi = {10.1007/s11837-011-0102-6}, } @Misc{elliott:tadmor:2011, author = {Ryan S. Elliott and Ellad B. Tadmor}, title = {{K}nowledgebase of {I}nteratomic {M}odels ({KIM}) Application Programming Interface ({API})}, howpublished = {\url{https://openkim.org/kim-api}}, publisher = {OpenKIM}, year = 2011, doi = {10.25950/ff8f563a}, } @Article{OpenKIM-MO:776437554506:000a, abstract = {Grain boundary stiffness and mobility determine the kinetics of curvature-driven grain growth. Here the stiffness and mobility are computed using an analysis of fluctuations in the grain boundary position during molecular dynamics simulations. This work represents the first determination of grain boundary stiffness for a realistic three-dimensional system. The results indicate that the boundary stiffness for a given boundary plane has a strong dependence on the direction of the boundary distortion. The mobility deduced is comparable with that determined in previous computer simulation studies. The advantages and limitations of the fluctuation approach are discussed.}, author = {Foiles, Stephen M. and Hoyt, J.J.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2006.03.037}, issn = {1359-6454}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, keywords = {Grain boundary, Stiffness, Mobility, Molecular dynamics}, number = {12}, pages = {3351-3357}, title = {Computation of grain boundary stiffness and mobility from boundary fluctuations}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359645406002333}, volume = {54}, year = {2006}, }